Monday, September 29, 2008


After securing Social Security Disability (“SSD”) and Federal Employee Retirement System (“FERS”) benefits for a client a couple of years ago, he asked me to represent his older child who had turned 18 years of age in connection with a claim for adult disability child (“ADC”) benefits. The client also had a younger child under 18 years of age who was still receiving child’s benefits.

Initially, the client thought that it might not be worthwhile applying for ADC because he would still receive the maximum family benefit between the SSD and child’s benefits. However, I explained to the client why, even if there were no monthly ADC benefits, it would still make sense for him to file for ADC for his older child.

Along with the potential for a monthly ADC benefit, after two years, the adult disabled child can begin receiving Medicare coverage. Anyone pricing health insurance premiums will realize that the approximately $100 a month cost for Medicare is well worth the trouble in applying for ADC.

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