Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dictionary of Occupational Titles

Applications for Social Security Disability (“SSD”) benefits require providing work history information. When I submit SSD applications, I provide the Dictionary of Occupations Title (the “DOT”) occupation code for the claimant’s past work where I believe Social Security medical-vocational rules, also known as the “Grid rules,” should apply.

I represent a 58 year old former dental assistant, who stopped working because of her back, neck and knee pain. I provided the DOT code when submitting the SSD application, and pointed out how the claimant would be entitled to receive SSD benefits even if the medical evidence indicated that she had the ability to do sedentary work.

The majority of SSD applications are denied initially. Those applications that are not denied, typically take at least five months to be approved. The claimant’s application was approved in only three months.

Providing the DOT code may avoid having the file referred for vocational review, which saves time. Highlighting the applicability of the Grid rules may also help the State agency recognize that SSD benefits should be approved.

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