Friday, August 7, 2009


Aetna administers the United Parcel Service (UPS) long term disability (“LTD”) plan. Fortunately, UPS maintains the right to reverse Aetna’s decisions.

A UPS package supervisor retained me after Aetna terminated his LTD benefits on the grounds that he could do sedentary work based upon an functional capacity examination (“FCE”). In my 74 page appeal to Aetna, which included 46 pages of new medical records, I explained how the FCE actually showed that the claimant could not do sedentary work. Aetna denied the appeal based upon a peer review that rejected the FCE, and conclusorily stated that there was no clinical support showing the claimant was unable to do sedentary work.

Aetna’s final decision was hypocritical. Aetna relied upon the FCE to terminate LTD benefits, but Aetna refused to allow the claimant to rely upon the FCE after admitting that it showed the claimant could not do sedentary work. In other words, Aetna accepts evidence when it thinks the evidence will support its decision, but rejects the identical evidence when it thinks the evidence will not support its decision.

As for the peer review, Aetna provided absolutely no reason why it accepted the opinion of the peer review doctor it paid to review the claimant’s medical records, over the opinions of the claimant’s treating orthopedist, pain management specialist, internist, rheumatologist, physiatrist, and physical therapist, each of whom explained why the claimant could not do sedentary work. I pointed out these and other critical flaws to UPS, which reversed Aetna’s decision.

The claimant went without LTD benefits for nearly a year because of Aetna’s actions. To compound matters, the claimant’s other benefits, such as medical insurance, were terminated when the LTD benefits were terminated. The claimant had to spend thousands of dollars for medical testing, reports, and attorney’s fees to get his benefits reinstated. If UPS employees have any influence at work they should consider persuading management to replace Aetna.

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