Thursday, May 19, 2011

SSD Approved In 2 Months

I represent a 60 year maintenance technician with orthopedic and heart problems from Pennsylvania whose Social Security Disability ("SSD") application was approved two months after it was filed. I submitted reports from the treating sources indicating that the claimant had, at best, a sedentary work capacity.

There appear to be two possible reasons for the rapid approval. First, even if the claimant had a sedentary work capacity, based upon the claimant's adverse vocational factors he would have to be found disabled under the "medical-vocational rules." Second, I made it clear to the disability analyst that before I would permit the claimant to attend a consultative examination by their doctor, which is the usual basis for denying an SSD claim, they would first have to seek the medical information they claim was lacking from a treating source.

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