Monday, June 6, 2011

Erythema Multiform Major

Erythema Multiforme Major (“EMM”) is an acute, self-limited, and sometimes recurring skin condition considered to be a reaction associated with certain infections, medications, and other various triggers. EMM is a severe, potentially life-threatening disorder.

I represent a former business owner in Florida with EMM whose application for Social Security Disability (“SSD”) benefits had been denied twice. Today, his on-the-record (“OTR”) request for SSD benefits was approved, which avoided the need for a hearing.

The claimant’s application had been denied apparently because the people reviewing the claim failed to understand it. I obtained a report from the claimant’s physician, which explained that the EMM was triggered by Herpes Simplex infections, for which he takes Acyclovir and Prednisone. Unfortunately, the Prednisone caused reactions that were almost as bad as the EMM. The report also included a functionality assessment that was supported with objective clinical findings.

In connection with the OTR, I then secured a report from a new doctor that is treating the claimant, which corroborated the findings and conclusions of the claimant’s prior physician. Additionally, the claimant’s EMM became so severe during certain flare ups that he was sent to the hospital, and those records, which further corroborated the severity of the claimant’s EMM, were also submitted with the OTR.

The main difference between the medical evidence submitted at the initial levels and OTR was the addition of corroborative evidence. While it is possible that the claimant’s SSD application would have been approved after a hearing without the additional records, the corroborative evidence helped expedite the approval and avoided the angst of a hearing.

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