Monday, October 1, 2012

Biased Hoppenfeld Decision Reversed

In my September 23, 2011 blog entry, I discussed how a Social Security Disability (“SSD”) case that I had before Administrative Law Judge (“ALJ”) Marilyn P. Hoppenfeld mirrored the allegations in the Padro v. Astrue class action lawsuit. The Amended Complaint in Padro, which can be downloaded from my web page’s Resources tab, alleges that Hazel C. Strauss, David Z. Nisnewitz, Michael D. Cofresi, Seymour Fier, and Hoppenfeld, are the ALJs from Queens (the “Queens Five”) who are biased against claimants. 

The first two plaintiffs named in the Amended Complaint are my clients. Each had their Social Security Disability (“SSD”) application denied by one of the Queens Five. Each case has now been remanded. Each has now been approved without a hearing. 

The claimant filed her SSD application in 2003. Because of ALJ Hoppenfeld’s bias, the claimant had to wait many extra years to get her past due benefits, upon which she will receive no interest. The cost to the Social Security Administration was needlessly excessive as ALJ Hoppenfeld required countless hearings and experts. Hoppenfeld’s actions were a waste of tax dollars. 

Hopefully, Padro will result in many claimants whose applications were denied by the Queens Five, including ALJ Hoppenfeld, receiving new hearings. Please contact our office if you would like more information about the Padro ALJ bias class action.

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