Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Hoppenfeld Refused To Comply With Padro

If you read my blog, then you are aware of the Padro class action, which was settled last October.  If your Social Security Disability (“SSD”) case was denied after January 1, 2008 by one of the Queens Five, which includes Administrative Law Judge (“ALJ”) Hoppenfeld, then Padro requires that you get a new hearing by an ALJ other than one of the Queens Five. 

I represent a claimant, who received a notice as a member of the Padro class. In 2012, Hoppenfeld denied the claim in an extraordinarily biased and absurd decision, which the Appeals Council naturally rejected last July. 

Because the case was assigned to Hoppenfeld, I filed a letter demanding that she recuse herself.  Instead of complying with the law, Hoppenfeld scheduled a hearing. My messages to the Queens hearing office about the case still being assigned to Hoppenfeld have gone unreturned, but my client will be subjected to having to appear before Hoppenfeld again. 

If you received a Padro notice at any time, make sure that you are not scheduled to appear before one of the Queens Five for your new hearing

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