Sunday, February 25, 2018

Budget Cuts Increase Wait Times

It seems as if everyday we have to explain to current and potential clients about how painfully slow the process is for receiving a decision on their Social Security Disability ("SSD") application. The wait time for a decision has increased dramatically over the past eight years, especially over the last 3 years. Part of the reason is because of an increase in applications as "baby boomers" get older. Another part is because of the budget cuts imposed by the government. 

The Social Security Administration ("SSA") had been given the green light to hire more Administrative Law Judges ("ALJs"), which would have reduced the wait times for a hearing. However, last January the current administration put a hiring freeze on government agencies, and also cut their budgets. Therefore, the SSA could not hire more ALJs, and the wait time for a hearing continues to grow. Imagine, not being able to work due to severe medical problems, which means no income, and then the government expects you to wait 2+ years for a hearing. While having an attorney can only decrease the wait time in some situations, it does greatly increase your chance of being approved.

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