Monday, March 5, 2018

IMA Disability Services

Don’t believe everything you hear; especially when it comes from IMA Disability Services (“IMA”).

I represent a 58 year old construction foreman, whose job was very heavy work. He had rheumatoid arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome, which prevented him from continuing to work. As usual, the State agency directed the claimant to attend a consultative examination (“CE”)

I advised my client to videotape the CE. Two weeks ago, he went to the IMA office in Bohemia with his wife, who was videotaping the entire CE process with her cell phone. He was taken for an x-ray before the physical examination. Before the x-ray was taken, an IMA representative told the claimant that he was not allowed to record the CE. When the claimant insisted that he had the right to videotape his own exam, he was told that the CE would not proceed and to leave. 

As the claimant was leaving IMA, he was told that he would be back the next week. The claimant never returned to IMA, and he received his Social Security Disability (“SSD”) check in the mail today.

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