Wednesday, January 16, 2019


A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that affects your brain function. According to the CDC: physical symptoms include headaches, dizziness, and fatigue; cognitive symptoms include poor concentration, focus and memory; and emotional symptoms include irritability, depression and anxiety.

A neurologist usually treats the physical and cognitive symptoms from a concussion, while a mental health provider treats the emotional symptoms. When seeking disability based upon post-concussion syndrome, it is best to support the claim with the medical records from both professionals. 

I represent a 58 year old teacher’s aide whose Social Security Disability (“SSD”) disability claim was approved today based upon a combination of all her symptoms. Great weight was given to the treating neurologist’s opinion regarding the claimant’s physical and cognitive symptoms, and great weight was given to the claimant’s psychologist regarding the claimant’s emotional symptoms. Notably, less weight was given to the opinions of the claimant’s other treating specialists and examining physicians.

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