Monday, August 19, 2019

Frontal Lobe Syndrome

The frontal lobe of the brain plays a key role in higher mental functions such as motivation, planning, social behavior, and speech production. According to Wikipedia, frontal lobe disorder is an impairment of the frontal lobe that occurs due to disease or head trauma. 

I represent a 46 year old former librarian with frontal lobe syndrome, which developed from brain abscesses from botched surgery, in connection with her NYSLRS disability retirement application. The claimant suffers from headaches, fatigue, depression and a host of other behavioral changes. The cognitive deficits were confirmed by an independent neurological examination that was performed in connection with a medical malpractice action, as well as the NYSLRS independent psychiatric examination. 

It took NYSLRS over 2.5 years to determine that the claimant is permanently incapacitated from performing the duties of her job, which is a typical processing time. Once again, I believe the key was supplying NYSLRS with a vocational evaluation that provided a nexus between the claimant’s functional limitations and occupational duties.

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