Thursday, March 19, 2020

COVID19 Repercussions

We have been receiving many calls from our clients regarding COVID19, and how it will affect their pending cases. The local Social Security offices are closed to the public. The State agency, which makes the initial disability determination, is completely closed. Unfortunately, this means that no work will be done on pending cases, and new cases will not be processed at this time. Since no one knows how long this pandemic will last, no one has any idea how long these work restrictions will remain in place. However, deadlines will be extended for providing documentation, medical information, and submitting appeals. Commissioner Saul released a Press Release yesterday. Part of that release stated:

“We have suspended the following workloads until further notice: 

•We will not start or complete any current medical continuing disability reviews. If you have a medical continuing disability review pending, please do not request medical information from your doctors at this time. We will follow up with you for any medical evidence once the COVID-19 public health emergency subsides. •Where possible, we are suspending our processing and collection of overpayments. 
•We are not conducting organization or individual representative payee accountings. 
 •We will not be able to process a third party requests for information, except from appointed representatives and representative payees."

We will keep you updated as we get new information.  Stay safe, stay healthy.

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