Thursday, May 12, 2022

SS Approves Long COVID

Long COVID has affected numerous, otherwise healthy people.  For people with Long COVID, their lives have been completely upended.  They suffer from persistent symptoms, some of which may include brain fog, fatigue, headaches, dizziness and shortness of breath.

I represent a 62 year old Muti-Site manager of medical facilities from Riverhead, who contracted COVID 19 in March of 2020.  She attempted to return to work, assuming that her symptoms would get better, but they didn't.  She had to stop working, and was eventually diagnosed with Long COVID.  She continues to suffer from cognitive problems, severe fatigue and pain.

Social Security initially denied her claim for Social Security Disability ("SSD") benefits.  However, we appealed, and she was approved at the second step in the SSD application process, i.e., Reconsideration.  This case helps set a precedent for Long COVID sufferers, especially for those seeking long term disability ("LTD") benefits.  LTD insurers are fervently denying Long Covid claims because their underwriters failed to account for them. However, when you are approved for SSD, you are found incapable of working at any full time job. That may not be binding on LTD insurers, but it is persuasive if the LTD claim needs to be appealed to federal court.





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