Tuesday, January 9, 2024


The Social Security regulations identify the limited circumstances when a person seeking Social Security Disability (“SSD”) benefits should be sent for a consultative examination (“CE”).  However, upon receiving an SSD application, the knee jerk reaction of our State agency is to tell a claimant they must go to Industrial Medicine Associates (“IMA”) for a CE by an unnamed person, for an unspecified reason.

One of our former clients, an insurance representative from Brookhaven, came back to us after a continuing disability review (“CDR”) resulted in her SSD benefits being terminated.  When we appealed, the State agency sent the usual demand for a CE by IMA.  We explained why the CE would be inappropriate, and the State agency specified what additional medical information was needed, which we supplied from the claimant’s specialists.  Shortly thereafter, the claimant’s SSD benefits were reinstated.

Even though our client had not needed our services for over 10 years, she knew she could contact us to help her again, and was confident that we could get her benefits reinstated.    Needless to say, she is very happy and grateful that we were able to help her again.

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