Saturday, January 31, 2015

IMA Disability Services

Apparently, the Social Security Administration ("SSA") automatically sends notices to Social Security Disability ("SSD") claimants that they have been scheduled for a “consultative examination” ("CE") regardless of what the medical evidence indicates. 

I represent a 58 year old delivery driver whose SSD application was approved today without ever being denied at any level. What is baffling is that the claimant was sent letters on two different occasions for a CE, each of which stated that “It will be necessary for you to be examined by the Specialist named below.” The so-called specialist was “IMA Disability Services.” The letters also stated that “You must keep this appointment at the time and date indicated below.” 

I had objected to the CE because, among other things, the claimant had submitted medical evidence from his treating doctors that clearly supported his inability to work in any capacity. The SSA obviously agreed because it approved SSD benefits without a CE. The question is, why are letters being sent to SSD claimants stating that it is “necessary” for them to be examined by IMA, and that they “must” attend the CE, when it obviously is not true?

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