Monday, February 23, 2015

SSD With No Hearing

The problem of long waits for Social Security Disability (“SSD”) appeals is nothing new. Recently,  however, I have written about how the waiting time to have an SSD appeal heard by an administrative law judge has reached an all time high. The increased waiting time should provide even greater incentive to try to get approved at the initial decision level

I represent a 51 year cook with back, hip, and hand problems, whose SSD application was approved today at the initial level. Many claimants with similar impairments do not get approved initially. Was there anything different here? Yes. 

The claimant ensured that we received everything that we requested in support of the application. All medical tests, pharmacy information, treatment records were promptly obtained, and all agency and representative forms, and functionality reports were completed and submitted expeditiously. As a consequence, the State agency never even requested a consultative examination.

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