Saturday, February 3, 2018

Myasthenia Gravis

Myasthenia Gravis (“MG”) is a chronic autoimmune neuromuscular disorder that causes voluntary muscle weakness. There is a listing for MG. However, like many listings, the Social Security Administration (“SSA”) rewrote the MG listing to make it more difficult to meet. 

I represent a 51 year old former owner of an auto repair business whose application for Social Security Disability (“SSD”) benefits was approved in only four months without providing a listing opinion from the treating neurologist. However, I provided the SSA with hundreds of pages of treatment records that noted visual and speech difficulties, weakness and fatigue. 

As MG is relatively rare, many SSA analysts are unfamiliar with it, which makes the approval in only four months somewhat unexpected. It appears that the claimant had his claim reviewed by someone who performed their job properly, rather than automatically denying something they did not understand.

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