Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (“MS”) is a disabling disease because of its symptoms.  Merely having objective evidence for the diagnosis is insufficient to secure disability benefits.

We represent a 32 year old with MS from Bethpage who worked as a teacher.  The MS diagnosis was never challenged, but the State agency denied Social Security Disability (“SSD”) benefits.  We obtained reports from the claimant’s neurologist, internist, pain management specialist, and chiropractor explaining why the claimant’s symptoms interfered with her ability to work consistently.  Based on those reports, the administrative law judge (“ALJ”) agreed that the claimant would be off task at least 21% of the time.  Then, based on the testimony of the vocational expert, the ALJ determined the claimant was disabled.

You cannot assume that you will get approved for disability based on a medical diagnosis.  It’s important to know what information, beyond a diagnosis and medical records, would be needed to have your claim approved.  This is why we always recommend hiring an experienced disability attorney to represent you for your SSD claim.  Our office, located on Long Island, offers a free phone consultation.  Please call us if you want to apply for disability and we will discuss your options with you.

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