Saturday, September 7, 2024

LTD Approvals

We just received approvals from MetLife, New York Life, and Lincoln Life on three long term disability (“LTD”) applications.  While the approvals involved different insurers and impairments, the applications were similar in their preparation.  Our approach has been called gilding the lily, but our results speak for themselves.

LTD applications almost invariably consist of three parts:  forms for the claimant, the employer, and the treating doctor.  If only those three forms are returned, then the insurer is almost guaranteed to insist on receiving more information before approving.  When we submit an LTD application it is usually is accompanied by objective diagnostic testing and clinical records, witness statements, medical treatise data, functional assessments, and vocational reports.

Most employers establish LTD plans by buying an insurance policy.  Because that insurance company is liable for paying any claims, that is a conflict of interest  results in denials of valid claims.  To be profitable, the insurer must have a liability acceptance rate (“LAR”) where it takes in more premiums than it pays out in claims.  When the LAR is too high, insurers deny more claims, regardless of the merits.

By providing more evidence compared to other applicants, insurers take the path of least resistance, and target other claimants for denial or termination.   Don't let the insurance company fool you by pretending to care, and to be your friend.   All they care about is making money.

Please feel free to call our office for a free phone consultation.  We have helped thousands of individuals obtain long term disability benefits under individual and group policies from many insurance companies, including Unum, Prudential, Reliance, The Standard, Guardian, and Metropolitan Life, to name a few.


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